NaNoWriMo 2021: ~1300 words to go.

NaNoWriMo Day 23

…aaaand there have been no words written since Thursday.

Friendsgiving went off with just a few hitches: one of our friends had a conflict and could not come, and another couple had a Covid invasion in their home, so we lost two more — one of which was in charge of deep frying the turkey. Another friend stepped up and we had grilled turkey, along with all the great food everyone brought and good times were had by all.

However, on Friday, our cat Grace was acting odd and not wanting to eat. Ben took her to the emergency vet Friday night and they sent her home with special food. By Sunday, we knew she had to go back. She had surgery today and will hopefully be back with us tomorrow. In the mean time however, our minds have been occupied with thoughts of our missing little one, and nothing much has gotten done.

I am going to try like hell to get at least half of my 1300 words later today, but we’ll see how it goes.

I will win Nano this year. Just maybe not as early as I planned.

And my hope is that The Irish Project first draft is done by 1/1.

C’mon muse. Kick it into gear!

Total NaNoWriMo2021 Word Count: 48,712.

Keep an eye out here for updates about the project, as well as NaNo updates!


NaNoWriMo 2021: …and that’s a win!


NaNoWriMo 2021: So close and yet….nope.