NaNoWriMo 2021: So close and yet….nope.

NaNoWriMo Day 18: 3,096 words today

And that’ll be it until Sunday or Monday.

We’re hosting our annual Friendsgiving this weekend, and my creativity will be at the kitchen island instead of the computer for a couple days.

But it’s all good. I’ll keep my notebook with me and make notes, make plans, make friends with the new characters I’m introducing… It’s a marathon, not a race, and I’m winning it this year.

The Irish Project is still going well. I’ve veered off from my outline slightly, but the muse took me in a different direction and I’m loving how it flows together. It’s kind of fun to take a long standing ‘belief’ about a race of people and turn it on it’s head. Everything you thought you knew will be turned inside out, in a good way, I hope.

Good luck to you, if you are participating! Keep going! Watch some videos on you-tube from other participants. Get involved on the NaNoWriMo website. Just keep going!

Total NaNoWriMo2021 Word Count: 48,712.

Keep an eye out here for updates about the project, as well as NaNo updates!


NaNoWriMo 2021: ~1300 words to go.


10 Things about Me