The Avalon Project: Where is Avalon?

So, before I sat down to write my Avalon Project, I did a lot of reading. And I do mean a lot.

There are about as many locations for where Avalon may have been as there are pages about crypto currency. Eventually, I had to choose one that felt right to me, despite any arguments about it.

Avalon to Cornwall.jpg

Avalon to Cornwall

In most of the books I have read, and research I have done, Avalon is near Glastonbury Abbey, and I chose this as well. It lent itself to the story and seemed to fit quite nicely into the travel that would have been necessary for Morgaine to go back and forth to Cornwall,

Map from Camelot to Cornwall.jpg

Camelot to Cornwall

and for Ygraine and Morgaine to travel to Camelot.

Map of England.png

Did I choose correctly? I doubt we will ever know. But it feels right to me.

In Signe Pike’s series, the Lost Queen, she expresses that Merlin and Camelot would have been in Scotland. I took a long serious look at this, after having already written the first book of my own series, and I was intrigued. But not enough to change my course.

Other options include north-western France, on the Ille Aval (The Island of Apples). It’s been put at Hadrian’s Wall. In Cumbria. Even as far away as Spain, on the island of Mallorca, or Cornwall itself.


The problem with myths and legends, you see, is there is no right or wrong answer.

Being the Arthurian geek that I am, I do believe Avalon existed. Was it a mystical isle, surrounded by mist? Was it the training place of the Priests and Priestess’ of the Mother Goddess? That, I can’t know. But in one form or another, I do believe it existed.

Some things, you must take on faith.

Avalon is one of those things for me

I have included some maps I found through Google on this page. I do not own these images.


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