A Writer’s Life: NaNoWriMo 2021


I signed up for NaNoWriMo this year again.  I did not do very well last year, all things considered, but I have won the July Camp NaNoWriMo two years running. Summer seems better for me, but I’m going to give it a shot and see how it goes.

As I’m still waiting for another chunk of chapters in The Avalon Project to edit, I’ve been working on a plot structure for The Irish Project.

I realize that I said at one point that I only wanted to work on one project at a time, but it seems that I had grander visions of the editing process than I should have. It takes a great deal of time for my editors, and then for myself. If I can manage to rewrite the first two scenes of chapter 1 in The Avalon Project this week, I will use the Irish Project for NaNo, and edit as I can.

I love the idea of NaNoWriMo. The idea of a horde of professional and amateur writers, across the world, pouring their hearts onto a page for a print-it-yourself certificate and camaraderie gives me happy feelings. It gives people a chance to find community, writer’s groups, support, and encouragement.

I like the idea of a writer’s group. The reality, though, that if it was an ‘in person’ group, I probably would not go very often. I am mostly an introvert, and sometimes socially awkward, and usually uncomfortable with new people. NaNo gives me an opportunity to write with people from all over the world without leaving my comfort zone. A Discord server I belong to has been a gold-mine of new NaNo “Writing Buddies” and I am hoping it will keep me motivated and motivating others.

Getting words on a page, even if they are not the end-all, be-all words, is the goal. Although, I typically write much faster than 1667 words per day, November has a lot of “Can’t Write Today” days, with holidays and Christmas prep, but getting 50K words of The Irish Project done and at least start to tell myself the story is a goal and challenge I am ready to take on.

The Irish Project now has its own notebook (Have I mentioned that I have a lot of blank journals and notebook just sitting around waiting for use?  I do.), and I managed to copy out all of the notes I had scratched in a random notebook about it into its own pretty little book with a dark teal green custom cover from Erin Condren. If I can manage to get a working outline done before 11/1, I’ll be in good shape.

If you’re a fellow writer, and participating in NaNo this year, good luck to you! I’ll be rooting for you!


The Avalon Project: Where is Avalon?


The Avalon Project: How Avalon Runs