NaNoWriMo 2021: Get ahead, stay ahead.

NaNoWriMo  is in Day 9, and so far, I have been able to keep ahead of my word count. And that’s good, because I will have a couple of days later this month when I will not be able to write at all.

The Irish Project is moving along more swiftly than I could have hoped. A firmer outline, and less points-of-view seem to be serving me very well in this project. There have been a couple of places that I’ve struggled, but it’s mostly because until I started writing, I was not sure how much of a romantic element I wanted to this story. I’m still not sure, to be honest, but since the main character has not yet met her love interest, I have a little time to decide.

Because this story is more of a contemporary fantasy, it’s also kept me from worrying about what people would eat or do at certain times of the day. And while I do have some things in common with my main character, she is different enough from me that I’m able to explore some themes and plot points that I could not otherwise.

I’m telling you, I’m having fun!

I’ve kept my word count above 2,000 a day (reaching as high as 3,470 on day 2!), and as long as I can continue doing that, my days off won’t impact me. Much.

The normal goal of NaNo is 50,000 words, but I have a feeling that unless I get super stuck on something, I’ll be able to surpass that. My word count goal for this book is 100,000, so I will not finish it in November, but I will be able to be on the downhill slide for sure.

Good luck to you, if you are participating! Even if you set a goal of 20,000, know that it is an accomplishment to reach that.

We all start somewhere!

Keep an eye out here for updates about the project, as well as NaNo updates!


NaNoWriMo 2021: Reality is a stern taskmaster.


The Irish Project: Something Completely Different