NaNoWriMo 2021: Reality is a stern taskmaster.

NaNoWriMo Day 12: The last few days have been a rude reminder that I have a full time job and if I can’t get my words in during the day while I’m working, sometimes I just can’t get the words in.

I had my lowest day ever in a NaNo project: 1,198 words. I know that I shouldn’t complain about it. Some folks struggle to get 500 words a day when their lives are busy.

I like big word counts and I cannot lie… I guess.

The Irish Project is going well. I had an outline going in - a loose one, really - and I’ve found a way to add to that, by spending a few minutes at the end of my writing day to write out a few key points I know are going to happen next. I actually got a personalized notebook from Erin Condren for this project, back in September, and I’m logging a lot in it. I like the idea of it so much, the 20+ blank journals I have downstairs are going to suffer and get dusty - having a notebook with my name and the project name on it is just cool!

I am over half way to my 50K goal for the month, so I’m headed for a big W, if things keep progressing as they are.

Good luck to you, if you are participating! Keep your spirits and word counts high, and your self-confidence-eating gremlins in the closet. If you don’t feed them (midnight or not!) they can’t bother you!

Total NaNoWriMo2021 Word Count: 35,130.

Keep an eye out here for updates about the project, as well as NaNo updates!


10 Things about Me


NaNoWriMo 2021: Get ahead, stay ahead.