A Writer’s Life: The Holiday Hangover is real, y’all.

I got home from my parents’ house last Tuesday.

And I am still deeply and completely in the Holiday Hangover cavern. Forget that 1/1/2022 was supposed to start my re-outline of The Irish Project. Forget that I haven’t touched my planner since I got home.

Just forget it. Cause I’m trying to.

It’s not that I’m unmotivated. I’m not still in a sugar coma, or not still deep in thought about my parents being technically “elderly” now, although both of those are true.

This happened last year. And the year before. So I know, sometime around mid-January I’m going to get fired up and get back on the train.

But right now, the train is in the station for service.

And I’m just waiting for the mechanics to get it fixed.

All it takes is one day — one morning — of actually popping Scrivener open and writing a few lines or working on the new outline. Honestly, that’s all it takes for me.

But I’m not there yet.

And if you aren’t either, remove the guilty look from your face right now.

It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. Give yourself a couple day to wallow in whatever dropped you into the Hangover’s open maw, and then pull up your bootstraps and get back to it.

January 10th is my day.

What’s yours?


How I Write: Finding an Outline Structure that Works for you


A Writer’s Life: Resist the Lazy