A Writer’s Life: Start from the Beginning

So, vacation did me a world of good. Even with the anxiety and stress from the drive (you just cannot avoid the bad drivers anymore. They are everywhere.) and the disappointment of the Boyfriend missing our vacation together at the end of it (due to a wicked bad virus that was not the Rona), I had plenty of time to relax.




It came to my attention, as I was driving my way through corn and soybean fields, that my issue with The Irish Project is simply that I don’t know yet what happens at the end. I thought I did, but I’ve realized that the difference between what I thought was going to happen and what really needs to happen is immense.

I also need to decide if this is a series or a stand-alone book. It will matter for the plot points in book one.

I tell you, I came very close to tossing it aside and starting a re-write of The Avalon Project, because the idea of making my fourth (fifth? sixth?) outline for this book was going to make me toss in the towel.

But I won’t. Because my desire for this remains the same. And each month that passes without progression forces me to remember that I’m not 20 years old and just starting out in life. I’m far from it.

If this is going to be a series, I better get rolling soon, or it’ll end up unfinished.

Not saying I’m going anytime soon, but if the last couple years is any indication, it’s gonna take me awhile to get this book done :)

This week is a brain dump on the entire project.

Then we’re back to the index cards, and the outline.

Then it’s time to write - which I am very much looking forward to.

Words are in me. They gotta get out.


A Writer’s Life: Tell the right story.


A Writer’s Life: Change of place, change of pace.