NaNoWriMo 2021: The Journey begins

November 1st means NaNoWriMo has begun!

I am on this bandwagon until it stops. Or until my wagon loses a wheel.

I got more of my developmental edits back last week, and with the amount of work I can feel it’s going to take to get The Avalon Project into shape, I have set it aside until January.

That means the Irish Project is up to bat, and I am swinging for the fences.

I started today. I got 3,235 words into Scrivener.

It’s a little rough, switching from Arthurian Legend to a current-day fantasy. I know the kind of current-day fantasy I enjoy reading, and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t taking all of the “fun” out of it, so it took me awhile to get on a roll, but about two hours in, I think I found my stride.

In some ways, I think this (still unnamed) Project is going to be easier for me to navigate. One point-of-view characters, who is in some ways, like me (but in most ways is not).

I had to block off 3 days (for sure) that I know I will not be able to write (Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving), so my daily total needs to be at least 1,852 words to meet my goal of 50K. With any luck, I’ll be over half-way through my first draft by 11/30!

Keep an eye out here for updates about the project, as well as NaNo updates!


The Avalon Project: Pinterest Boards


A Writer’s Life: Pulling Character Inspiration from Real Life