A Reader’s Life: Starting a Book Journal. Finally.

I read 70-90 books a year on average. I read every night before I go to bed, unless there is some sort of catastrophic event. According to my Kindle, I’ve read every night for the last 700+ days.

I’ve never tracked my books anywhere beyond Good Reads, and there only because that’s how I rate books once I finish them and it’s convenient to do so through the Kindle app.

For whatever reason, I was trying to remember when I finished a certain book (Nettle and Bone, if you’re curious.), and it took me far too long to find the answer to that on Good Reads.

There must be a better way.

I’m a writer. That means there is a high probability that I have a huge stack of pretty, unused notebooks in my possession. Isn’t that a requirement, when you call yourself a writer? Stacks and stacks of notebooks too pretty to use?

I picked a particularly pretty one, and made myself a book journal.

You may say “Oh, that sounds like another good excuse for neglecting your writing!”

And you may be right. But how long, really, does it take to pick a notebook, throw some reading or bookish stickers on the cover, and then fill in your reading log, starting with August 2022?

About 20 minutes.

I may have mentioned before that I’ve also starting collecting physical books of my favorite reads through the years. Used hard cover books on Amazon can be incredibly inexpensive, and because the written word is art for me, the books become the canvas. And this reading journal will become my museum log.

And in case you’re curious, I did spend some time working on plot for The Irish Project this weekend. More on that later in the week!


A Writer’s Life: Finally, Something is Happening!