
If you’ve read my About Me section, you already know what I am.  I’m a writer. I’m a creative. In addition to writing, I make cold processed soap, am an amateur candy-maker and pastry chef and I write.  I was born with an over-abundance of creative energy, and if I don’t let it out slowly, it comes out of me in uncontrollable bursts.

Trust me, you don’t want that.

As I said in my About Me section, I’ve been writing as long as I can remember.  In my 20s and 30s, I had a modicum of success in a different genre – one that I am no longer interested in writing in. I had one published book of poetry, several magazine articles (non-fiction) and many short stories published under a different pen name. I am proud of that, but the subject no longer engages me.

So, when I started feeling the writing bug again, I chose a genre that does engage me.

I read fantasy fiction. YA, Adult, Epic, Urban.  I enjoy them all.  Some of my favorite series (in no particular order) in the last several years are:

·         Black Jewels by Anne Bishop

·         The Return of the Elves by Bethany Adams

·         Agent of Hel by Jacqueline Carey

·         A Chorus of Dragons by Jenn Lyons

·         The Folk of the Air by Holly Black

·         Tree of Ages by Sara C Roethe

·         The Avalon Series by Marion Zimmer Bradly and Diane L Paxton

·         Kushiels’ Legacy by Jacqueline Carey

·         The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

·         The Gateway Trackers by E E Holmes

This is by no means a complete list.  But it gives you an idea of how wide of a range I read. I read every day. I cannot remember the last time I went to bed without reading at least one chapter of something.

My favorite genre, if I have to choose, is Arthurian Legend.

And that is where my series begins.  Not at the beginning of the legend, but at the end.

The book I am working on now is my first real attempt at a full-length novel. A series. My intent is three books for the series, and a second series that takes place in modern day, based on the world-building in the first series.

My first draft of Book 1 was 214,000 words.  Ridiculousness. I have it down to 155,000 or so, and it is as low as I plan to go for now. I am currently querying developmental editors to get a new set of eyes on it.

The first draft took me about three months, all told.  While I am waiting for the editors, my plan is to start outlining Book 2.  Yes, I am an outliner.  I tried the whole pantsing thing, and for me, it does not work. If I let my brain slip the leash, I end up at 214,000 words. 😊

I intend to self-publish.  I very much like the idea of retaining full control over my work.

This blog is intended to provide updates about the books, and my other creative endeavors. It is intended to share resources with other writers who, like me, are learning as they go. I may also do some book reviews, if I find a new series I really like.

I hope you’ll stick around for the ride.

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Write your story

No one else can write it. What have you got to lose?


A Writer’s Life: The Avalon Project