A Writer’s Life: The Irish Project

So, my developmental edits are taking longer than I assumed they would. Not longer than necessary. Not too long, but longer than I expected, and now I find myself at a crossroads. My brain is screaming to create something. I have fought against it for a few weeks, kept myself busy with chores and stuff around the house and seeing friends.

This weekend, I couldn’t put it off.

I love mythology. Roman, Greek, Norse. One I had not read much about was Celtic mythology, which lead me down the twisty path to Irish Mythology.

As an aside, my dad has always said that his branch of his mother’s family was Scotch-Irish, so I have always associated with that. However, with the advent of Ancestry’s DNA, I have found very little Irish, and a ton of Scottish. You’ll find a lot of Scottish references in my Avalon series. But I am still fascinated by all things Irish, even if it’s not in my blood.


In reading about some of the Irish mythology, an idea took hold, and I started researching. I like to research. I know a lot of authors say it’s a chore, a necessary evil, but I enjoy reading about other times and peoples outside of my customary circle. Five pages of notes later, I had a rough idea.

And now, as I continue to wait on my edits to come back, I’m going to expand on those pages. I have clean templates for an outline ready to go. I have a notebook, ready for notes, and I have an idea that continues to evolve. I have my NaNoWriMo project and my PrepTober project.

Unless my edits come back, then it will go on hold.

The Avalon series is a passion project for me; something that has been inside my brain for over a decade. Something that continues to gnaw at me, waiting to be written. It’s always going to come first.

I see this story as a stand-alone book right now.

And for now, I’m calling it The Irish Project.

Expect to see more about it coming it!



The Avalon Project: Ygraine


A Writer’s Life: Book Reviews